Physiotherapy: Uncovering the Surprising Benefits

There are many benefits to having physiotherapy, some of which are obvious and some of which may be a surprise.
Plus, Some of the OTher services we offer at ouR clinics have benefits that are ever evolving and increasing.

What do we offer?

We offer many services within our clinics, some of which have been known about for many years, some of which are new due to changes in reach, guidelines, and clinic recommendations when treating certain injuries. Research is always changing when it comes to the best way to treat certain injuries, and it is important to keep up to date with current guidelines and research.  

The services we offer include initial consultations for many injuries, sports injury treatment, shockwave therapy, sports massage, custom 3-d printed orthotics and gait analysis, post-surgical treatment, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Positives of a personalised Service

During any of our appointments (which include an initial consultation, follow-up sessions and all other types of appointments), they are all carried out on a 1:1 basis, entirely focused on the practitioner working individually with their client, whether they’re affected by illness, disability, injury or sports injury.

With the treatment being so personalised, it will allow for the most maximised benefits of treatment and for the self-management of symptoms moving forward. 

All of our sessions take into account personal circumstances, history and lifestyle, so with this long-term solutions can be given to avoid reoccurrence of symptoms and conditions, meaning that people can return to activity with as much confidence as possible.

Benefits of Sports mASsage

Sports massage is offered at our clinics, and has many benefits to those that have them. The benefits of sports massage include improved circulation, reduced muscle tension and soreness, and increased range of movement, as well as improved flexibility. 

These can all aid towards a reduction in pain, which can benefit many people ranging from sports people to the elderly population.

Post-Operative Benefits

There is a surprising range of people that benefit from post-operative rehabilitation. Post-surgical rehabilitation and physiotherapy can include things from joint replacements to ligament reconstruction to surgery following a road traffic accident.  Our post-operative care will provide greater chances of optimal recovery and will take you through all the important stages of healing and recovery after surgical intervention.

Even if you have an immobilised joint, post-surgical intervention can benefit clients, as it can be useful to work through mobilisation exercises at the joint above and/or below to prevent stiffness.



As part of your treatment sessions, exercises are often prescribed. Exercises are a huge part of recovery, and it may surprise you that we take our patients right through to end stage rehabilitation, which often involves strength and conditioning exercises. Strength and conditioning exercises can be started at different stages of recovery, and absolutely anyone can benefit from them, not just athletes. 

For example, an elderly person with mobility issues can benefit from strength and conditioning exercises that are functional, such as helping them to strengthen the required muscles to facilitate sitting to standing safely. An athlete can benefit from strength and conditioning exercises to improve their explosive strength, power, speed and agility during sports.

A ShOCKWAVE of benefits

Shockwave treatment has become more recognised and widely used and can be very beneficial for tendon injury. Shockwave Therapy works by delivering impulses of energy that are targeted to specific damaged tissues within the abnormal and degenerative tendon. This increases the healing and within the affected area, stimulating cell regeneration and healing, and decreasing pain.

Above we have discussed the benefits of some of the services that We offer, but there may be some other benefits of Physiotherapy that may surprise you...

standing Taller

wildlife photography of a giraffe

Another surprising benefit of physiotherapy is better posture. During the physiotherapy sessions, and as we focus on strength and flexibility, this can often naturally improve posture. 

There have been many clients that have attended physiotherapy or rehabilitative sessions, and been pleasantly surprised at the obvious improvements to their posture. 

An example of this would be a desk based worker that had neck pain. They often present with what is called a “poking chin” posture, and when we treat the neck pain with a combination of stretches and deep neck flexor strengthening exercises, they will see a notable improvement in neck posture and less of a “poking chin”.

Freedom to move

Alongside an improved posture, patients are often surprised and the improvement in mobility. Similarly, when we prescribe stretching and mobility exercises, patients can often notice a real difference to specific joint mobility or general mobility.


One of the most rewarding benefits of physiotherapy can be the huge improvements in a patient’s confidence. This confidence can come in many ways such as confidence in their own ability following an injury, confidence in strength, confidence in sporting performance, and mental confidence that they have the tools to manage pain and injury should it ever return.


This ties into confidence with daily function. Patients often find that daily function is better after physiotherapy treatment, whether that be driving to work, or doing simple tasks like hoovering effectively. This always seems like a small thing to others but can be a huge achievement to someone that has been suffering with pain or injury

a woman driving a car while holding the steering wheel

How we can help at summit physio:

Most of the population can benefit from the benefits of physiotherapy. Especially in private practice, it may be a surprise to you that most people can benefit from our services, whether you be young or old, an athlete or somebody with a more sedentary lifestyle

Physiotherapy and recovery from injury can decrease pain and often fully resolve pain. This is a great benefit to a lot of people, especially if it prevents recurrence.

To summarise, the benefits of physiotherapy and the other services we offer are lengthy, and hopefully this blog has explained some of the more surprising benefits that people may not have considered. 

If you wish to seek further help or speak to a practitioner about any of the above, call us on 0800 731 2738 or book online here

You can also view all the services we provide within our clinics on our website, as well as checking out our other blogs and content.

For more free tips and information, make sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages. We also post client stories, so you can see how we’ve helped people get back to doing the things they enjoy!

get in touch...

Our network of clinics is based in Lancashire and is run by our team of dedicated practitioners.

The address details for each clinic are listed below for appointments, for general enquiries or anything you'd like to know prior to booking, please use the contact form or email us and we'll be in touch ASAP!

Alternatively, we can be reached on 0800 731 2738

Wrightington Hotel & Country Club, Wigan, WN6 9PB

David Lloyd Health Club, Moss Lane, PR6 8AB

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