Massive congraulations to Joe Duckworth who completed Ironman Cozumel Mexico in 10 hrs 6mins 57 seconds.
There were 2500 competitors 60 of these are pro triathletes and Joe came 122 overall (beating some of the female pros). He was 22nd in the 40-45 year old age catagory and a time of 9:45 was the 8th placed 40-45 and the last to qualify for word champs in Kona.
His break downs were:
swim time 2.4 miles – 1:12, bike time 112 miles – 5:14. Average speed of 21.7mph top speed 27mph and marathon time 3:32
Joe burnt 11,000 calories where the Weather on day was 90 degrees on bike and torrential rain from mile 8 -18 on run then warm with massive humidity.
Well done Joe on a great achievement from everyone at Team Summit